Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Strategies for Getting Homework Done

There are two times of the year it seems almost impossible to get any work done: Right after Thanksgiving break and right after spring break. It also happens to be the worst time to procrastinate, because it’s nearing the end of the semester. There are projects due and assignments to finish, many of which are worth some hefty points.

How do you stay motivated and productive this time of the year? I have a few tips to share with you that may help you get through the mental slump season:

Find your most (and least) productive times of the day.
When do you notice is the easiest time to accomplish things? I find that, when I let myself work on tasks when I feel like it, I choose to work on them at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. I’m least productive around 3 p.m. I can still get things done at that time, but it always seems to take extra effort. I’m much better off starting or finishing a project in the morning or at night.

Break it down. Large assignments can seem overwhelming. Taking a few minutes to decide how to break it into smaller pieces will make it more manageable. Sitting down to work on a small piece is less daunting than looking at the big picture, especially when beginning a project.

Accomplish something. Have you ever tried to start working on something and find you just can’t get any of it done? If that happens, try to move on to a different assignment, maybe even a different assignment for a different class. Accomplishing something, even if it is something small such as responding to a discussion post for class, is still being productive. Don’t have any other homework? Try getting some chores, like the dishes or vacuuming, done. I find that when I do this, it is much easier to go back to the first task. Maybe it’s because I feel good about getting something done, anything done.

Plan a reward. Before beginning your homework, plan some kind of reward for finishing it. You can use TV as a reward rather than a distraction. Don’t turn the TV on until after finishing an assignment or part of a project. You’ll be able to devote your full attention to each activity, guilt-free. Reward yourself with a specialty drink from a coffee shop, watch some funny videos online, or play a video game.

Good luck to those of you working on group projects and final assignments. If you have tips on staying motivated when it comes to schoolwork, please share in the comments. Thanks!

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