Friday, June 14, 2013

My Summer Goal

Week in Review: A Reflection of June 3 – 9

My legs are sore right now, but it’ll be worth it. Since I sit for three-fourths of the time at my new job, I decided I would take up jogging. My friend was on track teams growing up and she’s also coached some teams as well. She’s teaching me how to do it the proper way so I don’t get injured or push myself too hard. It’s my goal to run a mile in a reasonable amount of time by the end of the summer.

The first couple of weeks at my new job have included a lot of hands-on training. It’s really cool to be able to take what I’ve learned in my classes and apply it on the job (and they pay me to do it!). I was able to create a newsletter, update the company’s website, create Facebook posts, write tweets, and design ads. I do some clerical work as well, entering inventory data into the database and filing invoices. I’ve set up a file structure on the computer for myself based on what I’ve learned in my Document Management class. Using Excel, I’ve made spreadsheets for myself to keep track of things such as new contacts.

I saw a tweet on Twitter encouraging people to pursue something this summer. It can be anything; pick up a guitar, take up painting, learn a sport, teach yourself how to bake something that doesn’t come out of a box, or learn something new you’ve always wanted to learn but keep putting off. Or maybe even try something you didn’t think you’d ever be able to do. By challenging yourself, you challenge the limitations you’ve put on yourself as well as your self-perception. I’ve never been what you would call an athlete, so I’m challenging myself with running. What are your summer goals?

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