Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving Day is usually a day when we are asked to reflect on what we are thankful for. There are many things to be thankful for, even in an imperfect world. Many of us are blessed with family and friends, a place to sleep at night, and food to eat everyday. These things should never be taken for granted. The basics of life are the most important.

Sometimes, especially past the mid point of the semester, it is difficult to feel thankful to be a college student. Sometimes there’s a lot of homework or you want to have more free time or you don’t want to shovel your driveway just to get to class. However, when I’m feeling this way I remind myself that the opportunity to go to college is something to be thankful for.

I’m very thankful I was able to go back to college when I found out I needed more education to get the type of job I wanted. Moraine Park Technical College is close to home, so I don’t have to worry about commuting long distances or relocating. I don’t have to spend four years to get the education I need. This is especially important to me, because I’ve already invested money in my education. I want to manage my debt responsibly. Attending Moraine Park has allowed me to do all these things.

This week I’m also thankful to my instructors who decided not to have any assignments due the week after Thanksgiving. I was able to take a break and spend quality time with my family. Oh, and I’m thankful for good food, too! Thanks, Grandma!

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